“Modeling and Simulation in Additive Manufacturing: from Design Stage to Component Reliability” – this was the title of the 5th German-Chinese Summer School 2023, which took place from 21.08. to 29.08. at the Institute for Materials Applications in Mechanical Engineering (IWM) at RWTH Aachen University and was jointly organized with Beijing Jiaotong University.
The participating students from Germany and China presented their scientific work in seminars and exchanged their knowledge in subsequent discussions.
Ms. Julia Apel, our dual student for materials engineering glass and ceramics at the Koblenz University of Applied Sciences and employee at the FGK, presented the research activities in the field of additive manufacturing of ceramics during the summer school. As part of her lecture “Development of ceramic-technologically processable masses in clay 3D printing”, she presented her work on the development of characterization methods for the printability of silicate ceramic moist plastic masses in order to be able to produce technologically processable masses that are of particular interest for the 3D printing of architectural ceramics. The scientific studies and practical experience gained during the summer school were rounded off by additional laboratory visits, a one-day excursion and a guided tour of Aachen.