At the SME Innovation Day organised by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), innovative SMEs will present themselves as the driving force of the German economy. Under the motto ‘This is how the future works! – Digital. Transformative. Resilient.” the event promises exciting insights into pioneering technologies and shows how entrepreneurs from all over Germany are driving technological change. Around 300 exhibitors will present the results of their pioneering research and development projects at the open-air event and invite visitors to take a voyage of discovery.
Prof. Dr. Jan Werner and M. Sc. Caroline Volk are looking forward to your visit and interesting discussions on the subject of high-speed sinterable colour infiltration inks for dental ceramic applications.
The event, organised by AiF Projekt GmbH on behalf of the BMWK, starts at 10:00 a.m., admission is from 9:00 a.m.. Attendance is free of charge.